Quotes About Childcare

"A family's responses to crisis or to a new situation mirror those of a child. That is to say, the way a small child deals with a new challenge (for instance, learning to walk) has certain predictable stages: regression, anxiety, mastery, new energy, growth, and feedback for future achievement. These stages can also be seen in adults coping with new life events, whether positive or negative." 
 T. Berry Brazelton, M.D.

 "We are decision makers. As adults caring for children, it is our responsibility to seek out and intentionally plan the best opportunities for children that support their over-all well being and healthy development. Developmentally appropriate practice, commonly known as DAP, is a comprehensive educational perspective that supports optimal healthy development for every child"
Susan Bredekamp, Ph. D

"The preschool years are the critical, they are the first most fundamental period where children are in fact noticing who they are and are noticing the stereotypes and the discomforts and the positive aspects of their racial identity, their skin color, ethnic identity and so on..."
Louise Derman-Sparks
Professor Emeritus
Pacific Oak College, CA 
"There is more to life, than just what's in their neighborhood"  He was speaking on providing resources for children and their parents.
Raymond Hernandez, MS Ed

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